Thursday, July 3, 2014

Looking Well to My Household: Teaching Kids Apologetics

Im so happy to be back blogging,  the last 2 weeks have been pretty eventful for us. I was sick with food poisoning one week all while preparing for my daughters first birthday, then my mom in law came to town and we have been at the beach for a few days stay-cation. Now its time to get back into our routine and prepare for the future.

I wanted to share a verse that keeps popping up into my head that I want to focus on this year:

Proverbs 31:27 ESV

She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.

when I read this verse it makes me wonder how can I "look well" to the ways of my household?  what can I change or improve upon? 

The first way that I immediately think of and is something that is constantly on my mind is how to raise my daughter in the Lords ways. Now that she is a year old and growing fast,  I want to learn how to instill in her a love for God and an understanding of the Gospel.  I also want her to know what she believes in and why she believes it. This is where christian apologetics comes in.

looking well to the ways of my household includes giving my child a firm foundation in Christianity so that when she is challenged she will be able to stand firm In the faith and not be tossed to and fro as waves in the sea.

Did you know that about  70% of Christian youth leave the church after high school?

This percentage is way too high for my comfort level.  I do believe that many parents and especially moms have not been looking well to their households in this area.  We have sent our kids to Sunday school once a week thinking that is all they need and will be able to stand firm when reaching adulthood and college. Sadly this is not true.

Moms.... dads..... your children need you to give them that firm foundation to accurately and logically understand the Gospel/Christianity.

How can we do this? By introducing apologetics as early as we can to our kids.

As I said my daughter is only a year old, so my experience In teaching children apologetics is virtually non existent. So to help me "look well" to the ways of my household in this specific area I will be hosting a small discussion group at the end of the month tackling the topic of engaging kids in Apologetics .  So I am basically on the hunt for resources to share with other moms providing age appropriate activities and lessons regarding apologetics.

so far this is a really good youtube video I found that breaks up by age/grade level how to introduce apologetics and what the child can understand at each age:

Teaching Children Christian Apologetics

If you have any ideas, suggestions, videos, sermons, websites regarding teaching children apologetics please comment below. I will greatly appreciate any information you can send my way.

Have a great 4 of July weekend everyone

P.s. there is more id like to share about prov 31:27 but I will leave that for another post :)


  1. How wonderful that you are looking ahead at how to equip your daughter. One thing I've found helpful with my grandsons is Scripture set to music on CD's

    1. I love scripture to music helps for memorizing. Thanks for stopping by

  2. Thank you for stopping by and I'll be sure to check out that website :)

  3. We're doing VBS this week and 1 Peter 3:15 is the theme verse! My church is doing Agency D3 which has an evangelistic and apologetics slant. I love it because it's good at getting our kids thinking about who Jesus is and learning how to defend their faith. It's a secret agent theme so the kids are studying evidence about Jesus. They're not just learning how to be good little girls and boys, but they are starting to internalize their faith.

    Many of them have already taken the Bible as truth (and we know the world will say it's not) saying things like, "Because the Bible said so." One boy when learning about the miracles Jesus did as evidence that He was more than just a man, asked, "But is it really evidence when it's in the Bible?" The Bible as truth, the Word of God as our evidence, our foundation - some adults have trouble dealing with that, but this VBS is helping our kids live it out and verbalize it.

    It's a really good starting point in introducing kids to apologetics in an energetic, creative, and understandable way. I know it's VBS curriculum, but perhaps you can take some of their material and repurpose it for your home. Agency D3 is created by Lifeway ( Hope it may help you somehow. Stopping by from Winsome Wednesday!

  4. wow.. what a great theme for vbs, im sure the kids are learning alot and having so much fun, thanks for telling me about the curriculum, blessings

  5. Nice post. Thanks for linking up at I'm glad I found your blog. I hope you will visit my blog often. I have link ups each Wednesday.
    God bless,

  6. Love to hear other moms that are planning ahead when it comes to raising their kids, I'm also a young mom and am hoping that I can follow through with my kids as they grow up. Thanks for linking up with Salt & Light

