Saturday, February 21, 2015

Potty Training Our 20 month old

Ok so I was a little skeptical of the "potty training in 3 days" blogs I have seen but let me tell you it has definitely worked for us for the most part. I told myself get through 3 days of really focusing on potty training and if she has no interest try again another time.

We started Tuesday and since yesterday we have had no accidents.
I will give a brief outline of what happened the last few days.
My daughter is 20 months. We stayed home most of the first 3 days to focus on pt.

Tuesday 1st day of pt:
Many accidents all day long, only peed on her toilet when she woke up in the morning and after her mid day nap, had towels and cleaning spray all over the house, left her naked from waist down. only put diaper on during nap and bedtime.

Wednesday 2nd day of pt:
Peed in toilet when she woke and after nap, same amount of accidents but they were in bathroom on floor next to toilet instead of all over the house, she would mid way stop peeing/pooping on floor to get on toilet and finish there. we went out to a bible study put her in diaper and she didn't go in that at all. Again while at home she was naked from waist down.

Thursday 3rd day of pt:
About the same as day 2, although toda-y was first time she actually pooped in toilet, she cried at first trying to poop while sitting but she did it.

Friday 4th day of pt:
No accidents at home , got up and went straight to potty to pee, I put her in pull ups went to park, took her to bathroom there but she did not go. As soon as we got home she went in her potty, took a nap and when she woke up went back to potty to pee, The rest of the day she went to bathroom if she had to go. We went out to a b-day dinner for a friend she had a pull up on and peed in that mainly because I forgot to take her to use bathroom when we got there.

Saturday day 5 (today):
No accidents.  Wore pull ups when we went to store and park, been going poop and pee in her potty all day, and now trying out underwear while we are home to see how she does.

Side notes:
-Now every-time she goes to potty she wants a high five and gets all excited
-She takes a small piece of toilet paper and trys to wipe, I then go ahead and use wipe to really clean her
-At first to get her to sit down on potty long enough i let her watch a show on my phone, now she is going fast without having to sit there long.
-When she had accidents on floor id take her to bathroom show her toilet and explain this is where you go potty
-She sometimes gives me cues when she has to poop like whining and doing a "poop" dance as I like to call it, most times though i have to ask her if she has to go, or ill take her when I have to go and she goes too.
-She has has not gone pee/poop in public bathrooms yet, but she willl go in her potty soon as we get home.

So that is our journey so far Potty Training
Hope this helps some other mommies as you start the process.

Here is the Potty my daughter currently uses:

We currently use white Cloud Training pants from Walmart.

Remember Potty Training can be frustrating and tiresome, but hang in there, your child will become a pro at it soon enough. Until then May the Lord use this area in parenting to grow your patience and endurance.

P.s. As I am finishing this blog My daughter had an accident on me.....I must get better at remembering to take her to bathroom every so often......and the journey continues.

Much Love and Happy Potting Training

Galations 5:23 esv
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

Update: We just ordered the Potette potty on the go to use while were out and about since she is not ready to use big toilet

1 comment:

  1. You did amazing Mama! I have four older ones and all of them I couldn't do any of them in that short time span!!!

    However, I'm about to do number five and I'm gonna try again :) I'm more hopeful. I think the biggest issue was consistency and staying home that entire time...pray for me ;)

    Thanks for sharing on this week's Mom 2 Mom Link Up Party! Hope you come join us again soon, Rachael @ Diamonds in the Rough
