
Sunday, November 17, 2013

"Glimpse of Glory" luncheon

Today my husband and I had the privilege of attending the C.S.Lewis society's "Glimpse of Glory Luncheon-commemorating the life and vision of C.S. Lewis." The main speaker was Dr. Tom Woodward a professor at trinity bible college. He shared a little bit of how Lewis went from being an atheist to one of the trailblazers of christian apologetics. Dr. Woodward presented a cool way of remembering the progression of Lewis's life with this acronym: 
A: atheist 
S: seeker 
L: literary writer
A: apostle to the skeptic
N: Narian
If you've ever seen or read "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" you know the lion named Aslan who represents Christ. And Christ is who Lewis pointed to in all his writings. Some of his popular  writings include  "The Chronicles of Narnia","Mere Christianity", and  "Screwtape Letters".  If you'd like to learn more about this man I encourage you to pick up his books then I encourage you to learn more about the Christ who completely changed Lewis's life in order for the books to be written. Christianity is not just a religion of faith but one of reason. C.S. Lewis understood that and lived his life teaching others this truth. 
To learn more about C.S.Lewis,the C.S. Lewis Society, and christian apologetics check out these websites:

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